Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Random Photos du Moi!

Ahh....Intimate Reflecting....don't look at're going to make me laugh....STOP IT!!!!

This is on the MS150. I'm 5 seconds away from passing out on the phone...

The Volare. My first car bought from Joel Petnick for a total of $500. Beautiful, eh?

Amber and me dancin' it up circa 1999....


Blackpetunia said...

For the record, I'm not really THAT much shorter than you! Really!
That dress....oh man, you got it back, right??

This and That said...


This and That said...

oops I didn't scroll up, just saw the last one...which is awesome. Too bad Amber can't come to the Halloween bash. Where were you when this was taken?

Blackpetunia said...

The location fits under the category of "things we do not talk about". We weren't at the club, we were getting ready to go out.

locomocos said...

We can talk about that all we want!
it was your boyfriend at the time, Khan, who didn't like us to talk about your past!

he thought i was a bad influence cause we would go out drinking! we were 22! That's just what you did!!!
and don't forget those platform Mary Jane's i was wearing...

Ted said...


G-d, I can't even imagine the mileage you guys must have gotten out of that. Kaaaaahhhn! KAAAHHHHHN!

I can't BELIEVE that you guys are 22 in that pic. I know I'm old and everything, but you look like you're playing dress up in your older siblings clothes!

Ted said...

PS... Those shoes are pretty cool... but what's up with SOCKS?

This and That said...

Khan???? oh please tell me he was just a Star Trek freak and that was his pseudoname. Actually,maybe that would be worse.

locomocos said...

he was indian. that was his last name, i think.

and the socks were COOL man.
That was more of my Gothabilly phase....

Anonymous said...

That blasted vehicle. Apparently they were so bad even new that dealerships had to fix them before they could be sold from the factory.

I also can't believe that is you in 1999, you look like jailbait. (meant as a compliment of course)